Are You Familiar with the Diverse Seasons in India?

Winter season in India  (Shishir or Shita Ritu)  (December – February)

Winter in India: A Time of Crisp Air, Cozy Warmth, and Enchanting Festivities.

Spring season in India  (Vasant Ritu)  (February – March)

Spring in India: Nature's Grand Symphony of Blossoms and Rebirth.

Summer season in India (Grishma Ritu) (March – May)

Summer in India: Sun-Kissed Days, Tropical Vibes, and Refreshing Retreats.

Monsoon season in India  (Varsha Ritu) (June – September)

Monsoon in India: Nature's Dramatic Transformation with Rainy Delights.

Autumn season in India  (Sharad Ritu)  (October – November)

Autumn in India: A Tranquil Interlude of Mild Hues and Gentle Breezes.