Travelling Together as a Family? Here’s your Most Important Checklist by Kiran Pathak


Travelling is always very fun and exciting, especially when it is with your loving family. We plan a lot in advance and start to save money before an upcoming trip. No matter how much one travels, there is always this constant worry about something or the other to make the trip as comfortable and perfect as possible. And we all believe our trip is going to be memorable once we have the right plan in our heads.

The two things that pop up in our head first when we hear ‘travel’ is money and safety. So, investing in the best-term insurance plan is recommended to handle any unfortunate incident during your trip. However, apart from this, there are plenty of things that you must take into consideration to make your trip memorable and hassle-free.

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A Checklist That You Must Follow When You Travel With Your Family
Research is much needed to make the perfect plan when you decide to go on a family trip. Of course, it is understandable to leave home without a plan if you are a spontaneous traveller. But you cannot do it when you are travelling with your family.

Before you set out on your journey, there are a few things you should bear in mind. You must first ensure that your trip will be enjoyable, safe and thrilling at the same time. Therefore, purchasing a term insurance plan is crucial for double safety. However, in the sections below, we’ll clarify the details you should be aware of before you begin making travel arrangements.

Make the Itinerary
Making the proper itinerary for your family vacation is a hectic and time-consuming task. But, if you are planning the trip all by yourself, then you need to invest effort and time to make the itinerary. It must involve everything starting from the number of days of the trip, the destination, the places you plan to visit, the time you want to spend in every place, your overall expenses, etc. This will undoubtedly give you peace when you are on your trip.

Play Safely, Make a Reservation
We usually do not make a reservation when we travel alone. But, it is crucial to make your reservation beforehand while travelling with the kids. Nowadays, people travel a lot, so there is a high chance that you won’t get any rooms available when you reach the hotel. So, do your family a favour and make your reservation in advance to avoid such frustrations.

Lighten Your Load
Understandably, when you plan for a trip or vacation, there will always be something you pack as ‘just in case. However, most people do not know that now services like rent strollers, high chairs, car seats, cribs, etc., are available. So, make sure to pack only the necessary things to make your travel convenient. Also, it would be best if you choose the right clothes depending on where you are heading to.

Concentrate On Transportation
Apart from thinking about budgeting, you need to think about the mode of conveyance. For example, if you are planning a road trip and do not have a car, then you must seek a reputable car rental company at your convenience.
But make sure to book the car long before the date of the trip. Also, if you need to travel by aeroplane, then make sure to look for direct flights. Long layovers may not be suitable for your toddler. But, if there is no option, you can opt for the airports with toddler-friendly play spaces, which will help pass the time.

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Protect Yourself With Proper Insurance
Often people think that having proper insurance before travelling is a very annoying and unnecessary expense. But, in reality, it is essential to enhance the safety of your trip, especially when you are travelling with your kids. We know that kids are always playful and full of life, so mishaps may happen at any time.

So, this is not the time to think about only your money. You must get the correct term insurance to protect everyone on the trip. Whenever you choose any plan, make sure to check their term policy before making an investment. I made sure that I have the best term insurance plan Zindagi Plus from Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance.

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Do Not Rush
The most important thing you must remember is that it is not necessary to pick a destination in a hurry. Also, do not try to replicate any trip you had before having kids. You need to understand that things have changed now, so try not to include too many adventurous activities in your itinerary or sightseeing in one day.

Ask your kids and your partner about their favourite places. You need to know whether they love beaches or mountains. After selecting the destination, try to include cool activities in your trip to make it more fun. Make sure to do those things in the morning when you and your family will feel fresh and energetic.

Family vacations can be exciting and fun if you know how to plan them properly. It is a great way to spend more quality time with your family away from your hectic work life. You just need to keep a few things in your mind to make your trip memorable and hassle-free. Just start your planning with the budget and then select the destination. Then, for your family’s protection, make sure to choose the best term insurance so that you can enjoy your trip to the fullest.

Read more about – Universal Travel Pass

Author – Kiran Pathak

Kiran loves writing about fintech, banking, insurance, healthcare, wellness, travel, lifestyle, and parenting. By day, she is juggling strategy calls and meetings with clients that compelling content is the only way forward and in her spare time, she is raising awareness about the evils of plastic or backpacking with her husband and 2 sons.

Follow her on – Instagram & Facebook

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