Tag Archives: things to do during holiday

Things to Do When It’s Raining During Your Holiday or These Lock-down Days

Nothing can be worse than a long rainy day, especially during your holiday when you had plans of going out and enjoying the weather and exploring the place.

If you are bored and need some suggestions on things to do when you are stuck inside due to the heavy rain, we are here to help you out. There are multiple ways of keeping yourself occupied and beating the boredom while staying inside.

You can try all the fun activities like playing board games, cooking, or catching up with friends via video calling, online gaming, or exercising.

Let’s look at the things you can do inside while it’s raining outside during your holiday.

Read a book

Catch up with the book that you always wanted to read. What is a better time than a rainy day to read or reread your favorite novel or magazine?

Reading while listening to the pitter-patter of rain can be quite a relaxing experience.

If you are not a vivid reader, then maybe it is time to start building your reading habit. You can even listen to audio-books if you like.

Watch a movie

Watching a movie or binge-watching your favorite show can be a great way of spending the holiday while it’s raining outside. With the great steaming apps like Netflix or Amazon Prime, you can never run out of content.

You can download all you want on your smartphone or tablet and watch it whenever you want. If your WiFi is down, it’s time to use your DVD player and start a movie marathon. If you are with your partner, turn the movie marathon into date night and enjoy each other’s company.

Play indoor board games

You can play various board games and cards while it’s raining outside. Playing board games can be a great way of bonding with your friends. While playing board games with your friends and families, there is so much fun and giggles.

If you are on holiday with your friends, you can open up a few drinks and enjoy the games whilst laughing your hearts out.

Cook something

The easiest and best way to keep yourself busy while it’s pouring outside is cooking at home.

You can make some spicy food to complement the weather. You can also try some ethnic dishes out of your comfort zone that you always wanted to try.

You can try making dishes from scratch or bake a choc chip cookie or some fancy dessert.

If you are with your children, you can teach them to bake simple apple pie or pancakes. This would be a great bonding experience for both children and parents.

Exercise at home

Do some physical activity. You can do simple exercises like sit-ups, squats, or push-ups. After eating all the calorie-rich food, a little exercise will be a wonderful idea.

If you find exercise boring, you can try Zumba or yoga. Zumba is a fun way of burning calories.

Pamper yourself

Take that long and relaxing bubble bath that you always dreamed of but never got time. Listen to some soothing music with a face mask on. If you don’t have any skincare products with you don’t worry.

You can make a simple DIY face mask or scrub from the kitchen items. Take some honey, cinnamon powder, and a teaspoon of lime juice. Mix it and apply it on the face and let it sit for 15 mins. It helps in exfoliating your skin and minimizing the pores and dark circles.

You can find hundreds of DIYs online.

Take a nap

When we are on our holidays, naps are never on our to-do list. And as an adult, taking a nap in the middle of the day is a wonderful thing and a needed luxury. It is an important non-activity.

The Rainy atmosphere is perfect for a cozy nap. Do nothing, listen to the rain falling, relax, and take a nap.

This way you can kill some time and also wake up in a good mood.

Arrange a treasure hunt

If you are inside with your children, take their favorite toys or objects and hide them in the various places of the house.

Give them some clues and reward them with some treats. You can be creative and make clues in rhymes or puzzles.


The list can go on and on. Remember there is always sun after the rain. Don’t sit around and think about how bored you are. Keep your mind busy and avoid looking at rain if you find it depressing.

Close the curtains, put on some upbeat music and dance away the rainy day!

Try and have fun with your friends and family. Afterall rain isn’t that bad!

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