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4 Things that Travellers MUST do when traveling to India?

India has long been a traveler destination and it has attracted travelers not only from all countries but from all walks of life as well. Whether it was the iconic Beatles band, or the super genius Steve Jobs or even the Whistleblower like Edward Snowden, India has been host to all kinds of travelers. So whether you plan to visit India for a business trip or on a sightseeing trip, it is important that you prepare for the trip, both mentally and logistically and in order to make your preparation more suitable to a country like India, make sure that you follow the tips that are given below.

These tips will not only help you have a safe journey to the exotic subcontinent but will also help you create a lasting memory for your trip as well, by eradicating all the possible hazards that can spoil this trip.

Respect the Culture

There is nothing more important than to respect the culture of the country that you are traveling to because the last thing that you want to do in your foreign trips is to hurt the feelings of your hosts. India is a very welcoming country when it comes to foreign guests and acceptive of their values, but they are equally very protective about their identity and traditions. Within a country that is home to different religions, hundreds of languages and a rich history that goes back several millennia, it is important to be genuinely respectful about the culture. Try to dress in some conservative attire and try to cover your body properly, if you don’t want to attract the gaze of the wrong crowd because let’s just admit that as a foreigner, you are already going to stand out.

Buy a Secure Fanny Pack

Yeah! Your read it right because you will be required to carry around a lot of hands-on cash because unlike your country of origin, India is not a credit card friendly country and does not allow to purchase items or offer PoS services. Most shops and outlets, outside the major cities, do not accept credit cards, even if you have the most globally reliant service providers. More importantly, you will have to undergo identity authentication while traveling from one city to another, it means that you need to have your passport with legally issued visa available with you at all times as well. So for petty cash and passport, it is important that you have a secure fanny pack. It is important to have your belongings with you in time of need, rather than safe in your hotel room where they are not useful to you.

Be Careful What you eat

Indian cuisine might be your favorite in your own country but don’t risk to eat it in its native country, because unlike your home country the cooks and eateries don’t have to follow a strict health code. Cleanliness is shaky at best and you might not like the taste or look of the things that were used in the cooking of such items. So, if you don’t want to get a case of dysentery or don’t want to test the digestion power of your stomach, make sure that you eat food that is not too spicy, well cooked and served with care. Use of distilled or bottled water is also advised as a precaution is a better strategy as compared to cure.

Make a Few friends
Honestly, it is important to have a few friends that you make during this trip. Regardless of the fact that whether the nature of your visit was business or rejuvenation. Traveling to new places can be a very cathertic experience and what better way to make that journey even more amazing by collecting some memorable friends for life. You can always follow them on Instagram or be friends with via Facebook and not to forget that Whatsapp is always there to share life experiences as well.

Make sure that you follow the above-stated things and you are guaranteed to have a journey of a lifetime to the land of Taj Mahal, Ganges, and the Western Ghats. Even those of you who plan to visit Nariman Point and Gurugaram will not be disappointed as well.

Have you read these – Taj Mahal Facts – 12 Amazing Facts That Will Astonish You

For more details please visit: https://shuftipro.com/

To discover more Indian travel stories, locations and tourism guides visit – Travellers of India