Tag Archives: Marine Collagen Powder


4 Supplements That Will Keep Your Skin Healthy While Travelling

If you’re a frequent traveller, you’ll know that packing and planning a trip can be quite challenging. But, with some forethought and planning, the challenge of travelling can become easier. Keeping your skin healthy when you’re on the road can be challenging but not impossible. All you need is basic skin care knowledge while travelling and what to look for in a good skin care product at home or on the go.

Here are 4 supplements that help keep your skin healthy when travelling.

Supplements That Can Improve Skin Health While Travelling

#1. Marine Collagen Powder
Marine collagen is easy to boost your skin’s hydration levels when you’re on the road. It’s a collagen supplement that you can consume to increase collagen levels in your skin. Marine collagen is made from marine collagen from sea creatures and is 100% natural with no additives. What collagen does for your skin: Collagen is a protein that’s found in the skin of skin cells. This protein helps to hold skin cells together as well as elasticity and moisture. When collagen levels in the skin are low, skin wrinkles and sagging are more likely to occur. How marine collagen can boost your skin’s hydration levels.

#2. Skin Fuel
For someone who travels a lot, skin care products can often be forgotten and take up a lot of space in the suitcase. If this is you, skin fuel is a supplement you should try. What it is: Skin fuel is an effervescent tablet by Wellbeing Nutrition that you can add in water and consume as a nutritious, fizzy drink. What it is formulated to do: It is a drinkable skincare solution that can help boost collagen levels, hydrate your skin, and reduce inflammation and acne. What makes it a good choice: The key ingredient in skin fuel is hyaluronic acid, a substance that’s found naturally in the skin. This substance retains water molecules in the skin and is great for keeping your skin hydrated.

#3. Vitamin C + Zinc
Vitamin C can help to boost your skin’s defence system and keep it healthy on the road. A good skin care product that contains this ingredient is vitamin C + zinc. Vitamin C can be found in abundance through various natural sources but for an extra boost, you can take a vitamin C supplement while travelling.

#4. Matcha Green Tea
Matcha green tea is a good supplement for those looking for a healthy, energising drink that will keep them hydrated while on the road. The key ingredient in matcha green tea is EGCG. This antioxidant is great for boosting energy levels while also improving the skin’s hydration levels and is ten times more effective than normal green tea.

Taking care of your skin while you’re on the road can be challenging. You might forget to apply sun cream, moisturise, or use a cleanser. If you’re looking for a supplement that can help you, try looking at these four products. They’re easy to take with you and can help keep your skin healthy and hydrated when you’re away from home.

Must Read: 4 Supplements That You Should Carry if You Are Travelling to a Cold Destination