Tag Archives: Vitamin C + Zinc


4 Supplements That Will Keep Your Skin Healthy While Travelling

If you’re a frequent traveller, you’ll know that packing and planning a trip can be quite challenging. But, with some forethought and planning, the challenge of travelling can become easier. Keeping your skin healthy when you’re on the road can be challenging but not impossible. All you need is basic skin care knowledge while travelling and what to look for in a good skin care product at home or on the go.

Here are 4 supplements that help keep your skin healthy when travelling.

Supplements That Can Improve Skin Health While Travelling

#1. Marine Collagen Powder
Marine collagen is easy to boost your skin’s hydration levels when you’re on the road. It’s a collagen supplement that you can consume to increase collagen levels in your skin. Marine collagen is made from marine collagen from sea creatures and is 100% natural with no additives. What collagen does for your skin: Collagen is a protein that’s found in the skin of skin cells. This protein helps to hold skin cells together as well as elasticity and moisture. When collagen levels in the skin are low, skin wrinkles and sagging are more likely to occur. How marine collagen can boost your skin’s hydration levels.

#2. Skin Fuel
For someone who travels a lot, skin care products can often be forgotten and take up a lot of space in the suitcase. If this is you, skin fuel is a supplement you should try. What it is: Skin fuel is an effervescent tablet by Wellbeing Nutrition that you can add in water and consume as a nutritious, fizzy drink. What it is formulated to do: It is a drinkable skincare solution that can help boost collagen levels, hydrate your skin, and reduce inflammation and acne. What makes it a good choice: The key ingredient in skin fuel is hyaluronic acid, a substance that’s found naturally in the skin. This substance retains water molecules in the skin and is great for keeping your skin hydrated.

#3. Vitamin C + Zinc
Vitamin C can help to boost your skin’s defence system and keep it healthy on the road. A good skin care product that contains this ingredient is vitamin C + zinc. Vitamin C can be found in abundance through various natural sources but for an extra boost, you can take a vitamin C supplement while travelling.

#4. Matcha Green Tea
Matcha green tea is a good supplement for those looking for a healthy, energising drink that will keep them hydrated while on the road. The key ingredient in matcha green tea is EGCG. This antioxidant is great for boosting energy levels while also improving the skin’s hydration levels and is ten times more effective than normal green tea.

Taking care of your skin while you’re on the road can be challenging. You might forget to apply sun cream, moisturise, or use a cleanser. If you’re looking for a supplement that can help you, try looking at these four products. They’re easy to take with you and can help keep your skin healthy and hydrated when you’re away from home.

Must Read: 4 Supplements That You Should Carry if You Are Travelling to a Cold Destination

4 Supplements That You Should Carry if You Are Travelling to a Cold Destination

When it comes to travelling to a cold destination, many of us dread getting dressed up and prepared for the coming days. Whether you live in a region that experiences winter after winter or you are just passing by for some time, the effect is the same: The weather gets chilly fast. The colder it gets, the more we crave foods that warm us from within. Vitamins are obviously one of these essentials, but there are others. Supplements boost your immune system and help your body fight off those viruses and germs that cause you so much trouble when they invade your system.

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Before moving to a new destination, take note of these supplements that will keep you warm and comfortable no matter where you go or how long you stay there:

Supplements Essentials For Cold Destinations

#1. Vitamin C + Zinc Supplement by Wellbeing Nutrition
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight against free radicals and prevent oxidative stress. It also encourages the formation of antibodies, which help fight infections. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds. Combine it with zinc that helps boost your immune system and improve your metabolism, you have a must-have supplement in your travel kit! The best part about it is that you can get your daily dose from fruits like oranges, kiwis, and strawberries! While it’s common to see people in cold places stock up on packets of limes and oranges, it’s important to also stock up on other fruits that are abundant in vitamin C. Potatoes, broccoli, and guavas are good options as well. For a more travel-friendly option, carry a vitamin C and zinc supplement.

Click here to Buy Vitamin C + Zinc Supplement from Wellbeing Nutrition

#2. Grandma’s Kadha Supplement by Wellbeing Nutrition
Grandma’s Kadha is a delicious Ayurvedic drink made with various herbs and spices that are considered beneficial for your health. It decreases the severity of the symptoms and helps fight the infection by boosting immunity and increasing your body’s white blood cell count. Grandma’s Kadha is easy to make and requires ingredients such as black pepper, mint leaves, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, honey, and basil leaves. In case you are unable to find the ingredients when travelling, you can now get grandma’s kadha supplements in the form of effervescent tablets. These are easy to carry and you can just add one to a glass of warm water and have it like a fizzy drink!

Click here to Buy Grandma’s Kadha Supplement from Wellbeing Nutrition

#3. Daily Greens Supplement by Wellbeing Nutrition
If you are travelling to a cold place or staying there for a while, it is important to load your diet with fruits and vegetables that are good at fighting off infections. Green vegetables are one of these essential foods. Daily greens are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that boost immunity and fight diseases. It is loaded with nutrients your body needs to fight the cold, flu, and other infections. Available in the form of an effervescent tablet, you can easily carry daily greens in your handbag or backpack so that you don’t have to miss out on essential nutrients while travelling.

Click here to Buy Daily Greens Supplement from Wellbeing Nutrition

#4. Probiotics + Prebiotics Supplement by Wellbeing Nutrition
The gut is one of the most important parts of our body and is often considered as the second brain of the body. It is in charge of breaking down our food into energy and breaking down the food even further into nutrients that our cells can absorb. The good thing about probiotics and prebiotics is that they keep the gut healthy to work properly. The gut gets weakened due to various factors when travelling to cold places. This weak state can lead to a number of diseases. Consuming probiotics is one way to prevent this. Probiotics and prebiotics are good for the gut and can be taken as a supplement. You can easily take them in capsules or powder form.

Click here to Buy Probiotics + Prebiotics Supplement from Wellbeing Nutrition

When it comes to travelling to cold places, it’s important to prepare yourself mentally and physically. Remember that the weather will get cooler, and you may need to bundle up more than usual. Cold weather can bring on a number of symptoms and illnesses. Taking supplements can help you fight these off more easily. It’s best to stock up on these vitamins and minerals before you go so that you don’t have to think about them while you’re away.

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